Group Sessions


-Every Tuesday at 7pm // Online // Sound Meditation
-Every Thursday at 7pm // In person // Sound Bath

A Sound Bath is an immersive sound healing session which involves being “bathed” in the sounds of ancient healing instruments, including gongs, singing bolws, monochord, chimes, bells, my voice and much more. It is a form of meditation, where your busy mind can finally switch off.

During the Sound Bath, I will open an safe space, guide you into relaxation to then peacefully drift into the journey of the sound. At the end I will gently guide you back to the room so you can safely and fully awake move on with your day.

Who can and who can’t attend the Sound Bath // Contraindications

It is recommended that you do not have a sound bath if:

  • You have a severe mental health issue or suffer from serious heart conditions
  • You are on heavy medication (need to be off any heavy medication for a least a year)
  • You are in the first trimester of your pregnancy
  • You have a pacemaker or other metal implant
  • You suffer from sound induced epilepsy
  • You have any fresh bone fractures (not fully healed) , recent surgeries or any other important procedures (get in touch).

If in doubt, please contact me before booking.

How to prepare for the Sound Bath with Mrs Peony Well-being // Pre Group Sound Bath Information

Sound healing is the application of sound through the voice and instruments to balance mind, body and spirit.
Some people feel a sense of deep relaxation.

  1. The session will be most effective if you are comfortable.
    Please wear warm, loose-fitting clothing.
  2.  If you have hearing aid, please remember to switch it off as some sounds played might create unpleasant sounds.
  3. It is recommended that you do not take any alcohol up to 24 hours before the event.
  4. Don’t come with a full or empty stomach.
Sound Bath

The session will last about an hour and a half and will begin with a brief introduction to sound healing and what to expect. Next there will be an opening meditation to dedicate and cleanse the space and I will lead you into a relaxed space, to allow yourself to absorb the sounds. I will use a combination of my voice and instruments during the session.

Towards the end of the session there will be approximately 10 minutes of silence during which the healing can take place.

I will then gently bring you out of the session using my voice, grounding you and bringing you back to full conscious awareness feeling relaxed and refreshed.

Q & A
  • How to book // Send me an email stating your full name, email address and phone number.
  • Can I book myself through fresha? // I’ve seen the option for the Sound Bath but costs more that advertised here ? No you can’t as yet. My booking software allows booking only one-to-one, all the group bookings have to be booked manually by me. So the Sound Bath option you’ve seen there is for one-to-one only. For all the group classes, get in touch with me.
  • Time to get there // Come exactly as the time stated on the booking. I have set the time for 1hr 30min which includes 15min before to settle in and 15min afterwards to complete the feedback and answer any questions etc.
    If you are late, you won’t be able to enter.
    *Please note, if I have another class (pranayama breath work) before the Sound Bath, the door to the courtyard will be closed whilst I finish off the session, if that’s the case, please wait a couple of minutes in car or around. It shouldn’t take us long. Thank you so kindly for your patience ♥️
  • What to bring // Bring with you bottle of water, blanket, pillow, eye pillow and anything to make you feel comfortable.
  • What to wear // Wear warm, comfortable clothes. The Sound Bath is held in one of my barn on the first floor in a cozy loft space. We have heating, however the barn is not greatly insulated.
  • Parking // I have plenty of spaces available at the Venue.
  • Toilet // We have one outside toilet available to use.
  • How much is it // £16, I accept cash, bank transfer & card payments. I use fresha booking system.
  • Cancellation Policy // I have 48hrs cancellation policy. In the event that you wish to cancel your space withing the 48hrs period – you will pay 50% off the total amount. No shows – are 100%. If you refuse to pay, no space will be offered for any further events. You must agree to the terms of my cancellation policy at the time of booking otherwise, I won’t be able to offer you a space.
Group Sound Bath  // After Care Information

Please take a moment to read this after care information.

  • You may wish for some quiet time after the session so please factor this in when planning your day.
  • Take care if driving immediately following a session.
  • Avoid heavy work after your session.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol on the day of the session.

All information given by you will be treated as strictly confidential.

After a sound healing the body goes through a period of integration.
This healing process usually takes 2-3 days.
During this time your body will be moving to a more balanced state.
As your body balances itself, old symptoms and feelings may reappear.
Some symptoms may temporarily get worse before they get better.
With most people this process generally takes 2-3 days.

In the 2-3 days after the treatment drink plenty of water, take some gentle exercise and take it easy.
Give your body a chance to heal itself.

So take it easy for the next few days, be kind to yourself, rest as much as possible and drink plenty of water (at least 4 glasses a day).

*Please note: A sound healer is not a doctor and therefore will not diagnose or treat any specific illness. If you have a medical problem you are advised to seek professional medical help.

sound bath
-Every Tuesday at 7pm // Online // Sound Meditation
-Every Thursday at 7pm // In person // Sound Bath

To book your space for a group sound bath, send me an email with your full name, email address, phone number.

To book membership for the group weekly classes, click the button below.

To book one-to-one, click the button below.

To book a private group sound bath up to 6 or 8, click the button below.

GROUP SESSION // Pranayama Breathwork

-Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 6.30am // Online // Energising Breathwork Class
-Every Thursday at 6pm // In person // Calming Breathwork Class

In Sanskrit, “prana” means “life force,” and literally describes the energy that is believed to sustain the life of the body. “Ayama” translates as “to extend, expand, or draw out,” although some say that the word is actually derived from “yama,” meaning “control.”

Breathwork is a form of therapy that uses specific breathing techniques to promote physical and emotional well-being. The practice has been around for centuries, used in various cultures and traditions to improve health and promote spiritual growth. In recent years, the science behind breathwork has been studied more extensively, revealing a wide range of benefits for both physical and mental health.

The science of breathwork is based on the idea that our breath is connected to our emotional and physical state. When we’re stressed or anxious, our breath becomes shallow and rapid. On the other hand, when we’re calm and relaxed, our breath becomes slow and deep. By controlling our breath, we can change our emotional and physical state.

Why is the breath so important?

When we work on freeing the breath through pranayama (breathing exercises) we are also working on letting the life energy flow through the body. It has the effect of energising, relaxing and healing the body, letting everything fall into place. It literally increases and balances the life energy in your system.

Ancient yoga philosophy maintains that pranayama practice is a powerful tool for healing and enhancing clarity and vitality. Modern scientific research has begun to support this traditional wisdom.

Again through a regular and sustained practise of pranayama, you can supercharge your whole body!

On a physical level by using pranayama techniques we can utilise and strengthen the whole range of our respiratory organs. We explore the lower, middle and upper parts of the breath and regulate the inhalation, retention and exhalation of the breath.

A regular pranayama practice can stimulate the parasympathetic system, countering the over-stimulation our bodies go through during the Fight or Flight response.

Our breathing patterns are also very closely linked to our emotional states. We will breathe in a different way when we are angry, when we are excited, tired or when we are nervous. However, it works the other way too. We can calm or energise ourselves by changing our breathing patterns. Even just taking time out to consciously become more aware of our breath can help us to start to alter our emotional states.

breathwork class with mrs peony
How to prepare for the Breathwork class with Mrs Peony Well-being // Pre Group Pranayama Information
  1. The session will be most effective if you are comfortable.
    Please wear warm, loose-fitting clothing.
  2. It is recommended that you do not take any alcohol up to 24 hours before the event.
  3. Don’t come with a full or empty stomach.
Breathwork Pranayama Class

The session will last about fifty minutes and will begin with a brief introduction to breathwork and what to expect. Next there will be an opening meditation to dedicate and cleanse the space and set your intention. We will do some gentle stretches/ warm ups to bring your mind to now and then start practising the pranayama techniques.

I will ring the bell three times to slowly bring you back to the space, then we will practise the gratitude and have a couple of minutes to share the feedback.

Q & A
  • How to book // Send me an email stating your full name, email address and phone number.
  • Can I book myself through fresha? // I’ve seen the option for the Breathwork but it cost more that advertised here ? -No you can’t as yet. My booking software allows booking only one-to-one, all the group bookings have to be booked manually by me. So the Breathwork option you’ve seen there, is for one-to-one only. For all the group classes, get in touch with me.
  • Time to get there // Come exactly as the time stated on the booking.
    If you are late, you won’t be able to enter.
  • What to bring // Bring with you bottle of water, blanket, pillow and anything to make you feel comfortable.
  • What to wear // Wear warm, comfortable clothes. The Breathwork class is held in one of my barn on the first floor in a cozy loft space. We have heating, however the barn is not greatly insulated.
  • Parking // I have plenty of spaces available at the Venue.
  • Toilet // We have one outside toilet available to use.
  • How much is it // £10, I accept cash, bank transfer & card payments. I use fresha booking system. I also offer membership option which will save you some money. The class through membership is only £5 each (please check if its accurate at the time of reading this).
  • Cancellation Policy // I have 48hrs cancellation policy. In the event that you wish to cancel your space withing the 48hrs period – you will pay 50% off the total amount. No shows – are 100%. If you refuse to pay, no space will be offered for any further events. You must agree to the terms of my cancellation policy at the time of booking otherwise, I won’t be able to offer you a space.
Group Breathword class  // After Care Information

Please take a moment to read this after care information.

  • You may wish for some quiet time after the session so please factor this in when planning your day.
  • Take care if driving immediately following a session.
  • Avoid heavy work after your session.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol on the day of the session.

All information given by you will be treated as strictly confidential.

Anything we practise – we become better at it.

So to get the best results I invite you to include the techniques learned here into your daily routines. Try to find some quiet time when you going to be undisturbed for approx 20/30min, either in the morning or night and practise, practise and practise!!! Feel free to journal in-between to connect even on a deeper level. Try not to control what you write, just let the thoughts flow.

-Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 6.30am // Online // Energising Breathwork Class
-Every Thursday at 6pm // In person // Calming Breathwork Class

To book your space for a group BREATHWORK, send me an email with your full name, email address, phone number.

To book membership for the group weekly classes, click the button below.

To book one-to-one, click the button below.

GROUP SESSION // Workshops

 Find your Voice workshop // Once a month

It is usually around the full moon phase.

This is due to the energy being at it’s peak.

Connecting to your Voice and giving it a chance to express is incredibly powerful tool that we all can tap into.

After studying Sound Healing using my Voice, I’ve discovered how blocked my Voice was and how hard it was for me to communicate authentically. I simply believed I had no voice, or right to express who I was. I felt the tightness every time it was my moment to speak up and unable to do so. I felt frozen.

This has hugely changed, by practise, and now, my gift to you is to help you tap into your full potential.

Find your Voice workshop is designed to heal and re-balance all of your chakras, clean and clear any energy blockages and most important is to free your voice.

We hold onto so many emotions, thoughts, memories, even physical experiences in our throats. No wonder when we are in fight or flight mode, the throat automatically tightens.

During the practise, we learn how to relax those muscles and step by step clear any blockages.

I must say, the only person that is holding you back is you.

During the workshop some people will find it difficult to even make any sound, and remember, it is all ok. Sometimes it might need to take little longer than just one workshop to surrender and allow yourself to have the voice.

By practising the full acceptance, we learn to trust ourselves. We have to learn to fully accept ourselves to be able to let go and embrace the healing. It’s an important part of our journey.

If we dislike parts of us and constantly seek the punishment, guilt or shame, no one can ever grow in this environment. Love is what heals, patience, acceptance and kindness, compassion, understanding.

It is not about others that need to approve of you, it is you and always has been just YOU that turned your back against.

The more you practise forgiveness, acceptance and compassion the more you will be able to tap into your true, authentic voice.

Remember, you are in control of you and you can allow yourself to take a part or if it’s too much to take a break.

It is a huge step to take a part in the workshop itself, be proud of you to be wanting to do it.

The group I’ve created is safe, is understanding, is compassionate, is loving and is supporting. There is no judgement and there is no shame.

You are invited to fully embrace the acceptance, only then you will allow yourself to go with the flow and welcome the true authentic self.

Did you know, by shouting we can release a lot of blocked energy & stuck emotion. Afterwards we feel tired. This is normal part of the release.

Try to scream to your pillow, or outside where nobody can hear you. It is incredibly freeing!!!

Who can and who can’t attend the FIND YOUR VOICE Workshop // Contraindications
  • This workshop is pretty much safe for anyone that hasn’t got any mobility disability.
  • Sometimes, we can release strong emotions that might feel intense, so perhaps anyone with mental heath issues should get in touch with me first.
  • Anyone that suffers with epilepsy, again the release might trigger an attack
  • If you had recent surgery around your throat, vocal cords or anything that will stop you or potentially risk your health by singing.
  • Asthma, for anyone that suffers with Asthma, bring your inhaler with you.
  • Any psychiatric or physical condition which would impair or affect the ability to engage in any activities that involve intense physical and/or emotional release.
  • PTSD and still have strong symptoms, you will be required to get your therapist approval before taking part.
How to prepare for the FIND YOUR VOICE Workshop // Pre Group Workshop Information
  • Wear warm, comfortable clothes.
  • It is recommended that you do not take any alcohol up to 24hrs before the event.
  • Don’t come with a full or empty stomach.
  • Bring a bottle of water, blanket and pillow with you.
  • Pen and a journal // After the workshop finishes, there will be time for you to sit and journal your experiences (approx 30min/1hr), what come up. It is always so lovely to connect and write it all down. You might get extra clarity. Optional.

The session will last about an hour and a half. We will begin with a brief introduction and what to expect. Next there will be an opening meditation to dedicate and cleanse the space and to set your intention. We will do some gentle warm up to bring your mind to now.

Gentle tapping, vocal warm up to then start toning from the base chakra to all the way up. This will be followed by 10min of silence to then ground and come back to the room.

Please note, the workshop is a part of MINI RETREAT which means after the workshop there will be little break 30min/1hr for a tea and some lunch to then fully emerge onto the soothing SOUND BATH.

Q & A
  • How to book // Send me an email stating your full name, email address and phone number.
  • Can I book myself through fresha? // I’ve seen the option for the workshop but it cost more that advertised here ? -No you can’t as yet. My booking software allows booking only one-to-one, all the group bookings have to be booked manually by me. So the workshop option you’ve seen there, is for one-to-one only. For all the group classes, get in touch with me.
  • Time to get there // Come exactly as the time stated on the booking.
    If you are late, you won’t be able to enter.
  • What to bring // Bring with you bottle of water, blanket, pillow and anything to make you feel comfortable.
  • What to wear // Wear warm, comfortable clothes. The Workshop is held in one of my barn on the first floor in a cozy loft space. We have heating, however the barn is not greatly insulated.
  • Parking // I have plenty of spaces available at the Venue.
  • Toilet // We have one outside toilet available to use.
  • How much is it // £16 for the workshop & £30 for both, the workshop & the Sound Bath afterwards, I accept cash, bank transfer & card payments. I use fresha booking system.
  • Cancellation Policy // I have 48hrs cancellation policy. In the event that you wish to cancel your space withing the 48hrs period – you will pay 50% off the total amount. No shows – are 100%. If you refuse to pay, no space will be offered for any furter events. You must agree to the terms of my cancellation policy at the time of booking otherwise, I won’t be able to offer you a space.
Group FIND YOUR VOICE Workshop  // After Care Information

Please take a moment to read this after care information.

  • You may wish for some quiet time after the session so please factor this in when planning your day.
  • Take care if driving immediately following a session.
  • Avoid heavy work after your session.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol on the day of the session.

All information given by you will be treated as strictly confidential.

After the workshop and sound healing, the body goes through a period of integration.
This healing process usually takes 2-3 days.
During this time your body will be moving to a more balanced state.
As your body balances itself, old symptoms and feelings may reappear.
Some symptoms may temporarily get worse before they get better.
With most people this process generally takes 2-3 days.

In the 2-3 days after the treatment drink plenty of water, take some gentle exercise and take it easy.
Give your body a chance to heal itself.

So take it easy for the next few days, be kind to yourself, rest as much as possible and drink plenty of water (at least 4 glasses a day).

*Please note: A sound healer is not a doctor and therefore will not diagnose or treat any specific illness. If you have a medical problem you are advised to seek professional medical help.

Anything we practise – we become better at it.

So to get the best results I invite you to include the techniques learned here into your daily routines. Try to find some quiet time when you going to be undisturbed for approx 20/30min, either in the morning or night and practise, practise and practise!!! Feel free to journal in-between to connect even on a deeper level. Try not to control what you write, just let the thoughts flow.

free your voice

Contact me to find out the exact date (around full moon phase)

To book your space for a group FIND YOUR VOICE workshop, send an email to with your full name, email address & phone number.

To book your one-to-one – EXPRESS// VOCAL CLEARANCE , click the button below.

More workshops to come soon.

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